[Welcome and Opening Keynote] Personalization in a Privacy Conscious World
Date & Time
Wednesday, May 18, 2022, 11:00 AM - 11:35 AM
Rich Hein Camille Stewart Dom Nicastro

Join CMSWire's Editor in Chief, Rich Hein as we kick off the DX Summit, "NextGen Customer Service Excellence," and hear from our keynote speaker, Camille Stewart, Global Head of Product Security Strategy at Google.

The pandemic drove more customers online than ever before. Even as the world opens up, this move from brick and mortar stores to increased online engagement means a shift in how companies think about and create customer engagement and personalized user experiences. Users expect more customization while simultaneously wanting to maintain their privacy. Security and tech leader, Camille Stewart, will discuss how to partner with security and product teams to balance curating a tailored customer experience with respecting privacy.

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Main Stage